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My story is simple and common. I did everything "they" said to do: be a good citizen, do your part to make things better, get a degree, get married, raise children, and be a good mother. On and on and on... I was still feeling unfulfilled.

There are times on this journey called life that require us to show up as a version of ourselves better than we were the day before. I was tired of searching for new idols to give my power away. On my knees, the answer came and I embraced the truth within me: freedom.

"When there is no one to save you, you must learn to save yourself."

I learned how to manage the voices of others options, became friends with the word "no," recognized how my patterns and behaviors kept me safe and stuck all at the same time. I hit the books, researched and studied ways of healing and why we run from it. I'd like to share what I learned along the way

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